USAgain drop box (Edgewood Laundry Service - Indoors) Address 1130 Oak Street San Francisco, CA 94117 Map link Phone 1-800-604-9533 Website Accepted Items USAgain accepts clothes, shoes, and household textiles in reusable condition. 布料 如果可循環再造,請瀏覽網站。如果不可循環再造,請將乾淨的布料裝入透明袋後放入藍桶內。有撕裂、有孔洞、單隻襪子可回收。鞋子或皮帶拒回收。 Clothes Donate clean and dry clothes to a local thrift store. Call to inquire if they accept other items such as bedding and linens. Linens (usable) 捐贈 請到網站RecycleWhere.org查閱有關狀況良好的衣服、鞋子和其他物品的再利用和回收選項說明。
Clothes Donate clean and dry clothes to a local thrift store. Call to inquire if they accept other items such as bedding and linens.